Counseling Therapy Cost St. Louis & St. Charles
Rate Details
Rates for service are maintained by each therapist and may vary depending on the therapist’s licensure status and/or academic title (LPC, PLPC, CIT & MHS definitions may be found below), the type of therapy, expected modality and if any appropriate specialty protocols will be utilized for which the therapist has been additionally certified to perform above and beyond their state licensure or academic title. It will be both yours and the therapist’s responsibility to establish the expected rate prior to or at the beginning of your initial appointment. Payment can be made by check, cash, credit card, HSA card, debit card or supported money transfer apps. However, the Counseling Intern rate is set by Kaleo at $10 per session and cash is appreciated. In the case of payment options that charge an additional fee outside of Kaleo’s control the therapist may add a processing fee to the agreed upon rate to cover said fees and you will be informed prior to the payment processing transaction. All fees are due at the time of service unless other arrangements have been agreed upon by all parties.
Licensed Therapists & Specialists
Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC):
Hold Masters of Arts in Counseling degrees from accredited colleges or universities. They have completed a national counseling exam, as well as completing 3,000 hours of supervised clinical experience. Each licensed therapist has their own experience, specialties and additional training.
Provisionally Licensed Professional Counselor (PLPC):
Have completed their Masters degree and passed the national counseling exam. They are still working to complete their 3,000 hours of clinical supervision.
Counselors in Training (CIT) & Mental Health Specialists (MHS):
Hold Masters degrees from accredited colleges or universities, however have not yet taken the national counseling exam. CITs are also still completing 3,000 hours of supervised clinical experience in counseling.
Student Intern:
Every year Kaleo is privileged to have a student from Covenant Theological Seminary who is able to provide counseling for $10 per hour. This student is supervised by a Kaleo LPC as well as a Covenant Theological Seminary Professor.
Additonal Information
Counseling Therapy Insurance:
Please see the Therapists page for each counselor’s insurance information. Licensed Professional Counselors are the only counselors qualified to accept insurance. “Out-of-network” means that the counselor does not bill insurance, but rather is private pay. However, if your insurance provides reimbursement for out-of-network providers, we can provide you with a receipt to submit to your insurance company. Your insurance company would then reimburse you for a portion of the full fee you paid for each session. Contact your insurance provider for questions concerning your benefits.
*Please note that when submitting receipts for your reimbursement, insurance companies require that we provide a mental health diagnosis. This diagnosis will become a part of your permanent medical record. Please talk with your counselor if you have any concerns or questions regarding insurance reimbursement.
Some churches are able to assist in payment for counseling services either by paying for sessions in full, by paying a portion of the fee, or by covering a certain number of sessions. We desire to partner with churches so that you can obtain services as needed. Please speak with your pastor or church leader to inquire if this is an option for you.
Discounted Counseling:
There is limited availability of reduced fee counseling due to financial need. Please contact our main number to inquire about reduced fee counseling availability.
Please contact us to discuss details regarding your specific needs and we will be happy to discuss our fees with you.
“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”